
第八十六签解签文: 签文:飞鸟飞鸟,飞鸟尽,栖栖止息,息在何所。 翻译: The签文 in this签 is "飞鸟飞鸟", which means "the bird of the sky" in Chinese. The message of this签 is that the person who is applying this签 is currently in a state of being "out of the sky" (飞鸟尽), which means that they are not in a good position to achieve their goals. The person who is reading this签 should be careful and be aware of their current situation. The签文 suggests that the person who is reading this签 should be careful about their actions and decisions. They should not be too hasty or make any decisions that may not be in their best interest. The person should also be aware of their own limitations and be patient with themselves. The签 also suggests that the person should focus on their own goals and not be too concerned about external factors. The external world may be difficult to control, but the person should focus on their own actions and goals. The person should also be aware of the potential consequences of their actions and be prepared for any outcomes. Overall, this签 suggests that the person should be careful and be patient with themselves. They should not be too hasty or make decisions that may not be in their best interest, but also be aware of their own limitations and be prepared for any outcomes.
